Thursday, September 10, 2009

World’s Largest Solar Plant in China: Powering 3 Million Homes

China is all set to adopt the progressive energy policy and create a sustainable market for a low carbon future. The world’s largest solar plant, projected to be worth 6 billion dollars will be built in the Mongolian desert. It will generate 2000 megawatts of power with which the country plans to power 3 million Chinese homes. It is notable that First Solar, a US company and the world’s largest manufacturer of thin-film solar module bagged the deal of building this plant in China.

This solar plant is being considered a step towards the worldwide deployment of solar power on a mass scale. This in turn will help alleviating climate change concerns. First Solar is building this photovoltaic plant in four phases, with the first phase starting from June 1, 2010. The last phase is estimated to be over by 2019.

Industry experts are of view that initially the solar industry was only focusing on European countries that offered good incentives. But times are changing and developed as well as underdeveloped countries are also being tapped for long term projects. Solar plant installation demonstrates a country’s commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability. If encouraged on a large scale, solar plants can help countries curb global warming by reducing carbon footprint.

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